Well folks, for the last 18 years we have not charged for credit card transaction fees, but that convenience is requiring to come to an end. Transaction fees add up to a significant expense over time and benefit the credit card company for services provided by us. You have probably seen many small and larger companies charge for this convenience. Many specialty credit cards (airline miles/points for example) charge very high rates, some up to 7%!! THOUGH, we wont be huge sticklers on this charge for every transaction as we have 2 set rates through our Point of Sale, Square, which has enabled us to have fixed charges and they will only be applied to high dollar invoices. Starting in 2024, any boarding charges over $600 will incur a non-negotiable 3% transaction fee added on. For credit cards that are not present (manually entered info over telephone), will incur a 3.5% transaction fee. Believe it or not, credit card companies do charge more for when a card is not swiped/tapped in person at the Point of Sale. This price point in which the transaction fee prompts is typically for bookings over 12 nights for 1 dog and about the same for 1 week for 2 dogs. Any bookings totaling lower than that will not incur this new fee.