Website back up

I apologize for the Arcadia website being down for the last 11 – 13 days.  We suspect an act of kitten terrorism. The server may have been infected by kitty hackers and they put their kitten smarts to work and placed kitty malware in our code. The site is now officially safe and we have taken actions to insure that this doesn’t happen again.

Christmas Full

We are now full for Christmas. A few spots are still available for the Thanksgiving and New Years time frames.  Unfortunately we will not have time to perform new dog evaluations in this short amount of time. Remaining spots will need to be reserved for current customers.

Space limited

Howdy all! I wanted to give a heads up to everyone that space will be limited between the dates of 8/27 – 9/2.  We are halfway full for the lowered capacity during those dates and will also not be offering any orientation/tours during that time.  A similar occurrence will happen around the second/third week of September, the specific dates have not yet been determined. August is the busiest month of the year here for us here at Arcadia, therefore some dates are unavailable as well. We do have a full house for this coming weekend (8/14-8/16).

Contact Form issues

My apologies to everyone attempting to contact me using the contact form through the website for the last few weeks. I have not been receiving the emails or notifications that filter through this service. The reason isn’t exactly known why I haven’t, but we are changing the way the emails are filtered to my account by eliminating “the middle man server”. This issue is getting fixed today or tomorrow. In the meantime, please use my direct email provided on the contact page.

4th of July Full

We are now full for the 4th of July weekend.


Been a while since I’ve been on here!  So, to bring everyone up to speed on what’s been happening lately, I have decided to lower my max capacity slightly from 25 to 20. This is a personal decision to focus on the boarding on a more one on one level. The last few years have been fantastic, though very consuming for me and it’s time to slow down just a tad. Don’t worry though!  Arcadia will always be here for your boarding needs, I’m not going anywhere. This place is my baby and I love all the dogs that have come here.  This minor change will mean only one thing, lower capacity will mean that I will fill up even quicker!

I’d also like to give a big thanks to local naval officers and sailors, Arcadia has become the go-to place for long-term dog boarding in the last of couple years.  Thank you once again for giving me the opportunity to take care of your dogs while you are away defending and looking out for our country.


Update: Thanksgiving week has been full for a while now and Christmas week has only a few spots left. New Years has a few more.  Christmas week confirmation calls will be made after the first week of December.


It’s getting to be that time of year again in which space becomes very limited for boarding over the holidays.  Please note that Arcadia will be lowering its maximum capacity for the holidays (Xmas,Thanksgiving) for 2014.  If you have solidified travel plans for the holidays and need to board your pooch here, please contact me ASAP!  Christmas bookings are already half way full!


Hours for Arcadia will not be changing on any other day, but instead Sundays will now be by appointment only for pick up and drop off.  No exceptions for the early drop off or late pick up option on Sunday only.  The gates will not be opened and the office will not be opened until 10am and will promptly close at 5pm.  Appointments will only be available between these times.

Payment Policy update

A simple new change is being implemented at Arcadia effective today.  If your dog is being picked up via friend or family member, payment must be paid before your dog goes home.  Arrangements with a check or a credit card number will be accepted.